Multiple Sclerosis Support
MS Articles, Support, Recipes, and Inspiration for those living with Multiple Sclerosis
Articles Tagged - Motivation
By Daryl H. Bryant, Posted in Living with MS on April 29, 2014
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MS Quotes
10 Insipring Quotes for Living with Multiple Sclerosis
Having Multiple Sclerosis can sometimes take on a life of its own. Sometimes, it may feel like it’s too much, especially in moments of relapse. But you are not your MS. You...(more)
By Daryl H. Bryant, Posted in Living with MS on July 31, 2013
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Thinking positively can have a large range of benefits for your mental, emotional and physical health. Let's take a look at some of the reasons why you want to stay positive when life is throwing you a period of adversity. 1) Lower Your Stress Level ...(more)
By Daryl H. Bryant, Posted in Living with MS on August 16, 2012
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One of the most critical elements for me to fighting my Multiple Sclerosis symptoms is exercise. Staying active is a big reason why I am as healthy as I am today. Rest is important, of course, during relapses and other times throughout a given day in a...(more)
By Daryl H. Bryant, Posted in Living with MS on April 19, 2012
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It is very easy to want to do something, but it can become very difficult to have the motivation to actually achieve such a goal. Goals can be made for all sorts of reasons, but for the reasons of my book’s website I want to focus motivation on...(more)
By Daryl H. Bryant, Posted in MS Book News on March 20, 2012
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Hi everyone. I wanted to thank the New Jersey Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society for sharing some of my fundraising information in the Captain’s Corner of their website.
I will be walking with my team, Team New Horizons, in...(more)
By Daryl H. Bryant, Posted in Living with MS on February 17, 2012
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Good morning everyone, I wanted to share some quotes that I found through Pinterest and basically through exploring the Internet. I know the toll multiple sclerosis can have on a life, but we must always remember that living with MS is surviving it. We...(more)