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10 Inspiring Quotes to Get You Through the Day

By Daryl H. Bryant (241 words)
Posted in Living with MS on April 29, 2014

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10 Inspiring Quotes to Get You Through the Day

MS Quotes

10 Insipring Quotes for Living with Multiple Sclerosis

Having Multiple Sclerosis can sometimes take on a life of its own. Sometimes, it may feel like it’s too much, especially in moments of relapse. But you are not your MS. You are so much more than that, and there’s always so much more life to live. Here are ten quotes that will hopefully help you overcome your battle with MS, one day at a time.

1. “Every experience, no matter how bad it seems, holds within it a blessing of some kind. The goal is to find it.” –Buddha
2. “Be so happy that when others look at you, they become happy too.”
3. “I have chosen to be happy, because it is good for my health.” –Voltaire
4. “A negative mind will never give you a positive life.”
5. “Life is a one time offer. Use it well.”
6. “H.O.P.E. Hold on. Pain ends.”
7. “It’s a good day to have a good day.”
8. “On the other side of fear lies freedom.”
9. “It’s never too late in the day to start your day over.”
10. “The struggle you’re in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow.”

Comments (6)

Michael posted on: April 29, 2014

Thanks!! Day-to-day reminders of how promising our lives can be, ALWAYS makes this journey more 'livable'!

Christine Klaffka posted on: May 4, 2014

I really like this Web Site. I Also have MS - Multiple Sclerosis & I am Very Much So Interested in This Web Site! If There Is a Newsletter That Goes out Once a Month , Would Someone Add My Name To It or E-Mail Address. I Would Appreciate it.
Thank You,
Christine Klaffka

FORAM GADA posted on: May 10, 2014

i m Foram Gada .I am a person suffering from M.S.It is since last 4 years.Unpredictable for me . BUT THIS WORDINGS ARE INSPIRING AND REALLY VERY GOOD.

Michele Garvey posted on: November 16, 2022

After an MRI i was diagnosed of MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS. After years on medications, symptoms worsened with tremors on my right hand, numbness and tingling, muscle weakness and loss of speech.

Jeanine Miller posted on: September 17, 2024

After seeing numerous neurologists, I was given the diagnosis of MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS. I was given medication, which helped, but my condition was rapidly deteriorating. Ultimately, I learned about the useful MS-4 protocol at vinehealthcentre. com. This treatment has helped greatly with reducing my symptoms, it was even more effective than the prescription drugs I was using. My tremors mysteriously disappeared after the first month of medication, and I was able to walk better. Within 4 months on this treatment most of my symptoms has vanished. The MS-4 protocol is a total game changer for me. I’m surprised more people with MS don’t know it. This MS-4 protocol is a breakthrough

Stella Lynch posted on: March 4, 2025

After my Multiple Sclerosis diagnosis 2 years ago, i stopped all the Multiple sclerosis medicines prescribed due to severe side effects, and decided look into alternative approach. My primary care provider introduced me to MS-4 Protocol from uinehealthcentre. com and i immediately started on their Multiple Sclerosis treatment, this MS-4 treatment has made a tremendous difference for me. My symptoms including muscle weakness, fatigue, mood swings, numbness, double vision and urinary retention all disappeared after the 4 months treatment!

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