A guide on how to eat properly and live a healthy life while controlling, reducing, and eliminating the symptoms of MS.

Multiple Sclerosis Support

MS Articles, Support, Recipes, and Inspiration for those living with Multiple Sclerosis

Articles Tagged - MS

By Daryl H. Bryant, Posted in Living with MS on October 13, 2020
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8 Ways to Reduce MS Flare-Ups While Working Remotely

Nothing about 2020 has been predictable. COVID-19 changed the world in unforeseen ways and caused the majority of the professional world to move from an office setting to working remotely from home. As we navigate through the new normal of working from...(more)

By Daryl H. Bryant, Posted in Multiple Sclerosis on June 25, 2020
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5 Tips to Reduce MS Symptoms in Children

Living with multiple sclerosis as a child can be incredibly challenging. However, there are several ways to reduce and manage a child’s MS symptoms. There is no need for little ones to live in pain thanks to these pain mitigation methods that have...(more)

By Daryl H. Bryant, Posted in Multiple Sclerosis on March 16, 2020
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Are You At Risk for MS? Seven Factors You Need to Know

Nearly one million people in the U.S. are living with Multiple Sclerosis today. There could be more, but many people may not yet know that their symptoms are actually MS. Research shows that people can start showing signs of MS years before they are...(more)

By Daryl H. Bryant, Posted in Living with MS on February 18, 2020
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Early Treatment Options for MS

Receiving a medical diagnosis is the first step in managing a new way of living. When someone is diagnosed with MS, finally putting a name to the brain fog, fatigue, and nerve pain they’ve experienced can be a relief.  Unfortunately, relief...(more)

By Daryl H. Bryant, Posted in Living with MS on August 22, 2019
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How to Support Someone Newly-diagnosed with MS

Receiving a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis can bring lifestyle changes, uncertainty, and many new emotions. These experiences affect not only the person who is diagnosed but their friends and family members as well. If your loved one was recently...(more)

By Daryl H. Bryant, Posted in Living with MS on June 27, 2019
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Managing MS Symptoms in Summer

There is nothing quite like the sounds of summer - birds chirping, kids playing, pool parties, backyard barbecues, and block parties that last well into the evening. But with those joyful sounds comes the oppressive summer heat. For those with multiple...(more)

By Daryl H. Bryant, Posted in Living with MS on October 14, 2014
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The Emotional Strain of MS and How to Cope

With a diagnosis like Multiple Sclerosis, it can be hard to focus on your emotional well-being. However, along with the physical burdens and limitations of the disease, MS can create a lot of emotional and psychological stress as well. Recognizing...(more)

By Daryl H. Bryant, Posted in Living with MS on September 24, 2014
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Stay Active in the Fall with These 5 MS-Safe Activities

September is the official start of the fall season, and now that it’s cool out, you can get some much needed relief from seasonal symptom outbreaks. If you suffer from Multiple Sclerosis, venturing outdoors and staying active can be very...(more)

By Daryl H. Bryant, Posted in Living with MS on August 27, 2014
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Tips for Long-Term Management of MS

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic illness.. Those living with MS are often uncertain of the physical symptoms that accompany the disease and it can be a bit hard to predict when symptoms might flare. While there is currently no known cure for MS, there...(more)

By Daryl H. Bryant, Posted in Living with MS on August 20, 2014
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Playing Hard: 3 Professional Athletes with MS

Multiple sclerosis is a disease that does not discriminate and affects individuals of all ages, races and professions. While a diagnosis of MS can seem devastating, it does not have to stop you from living your life to the fullest and following your...(more)