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How Drinking Yerba Mate Helps Reduce MS Symptoms

By Daryl H. Bryant (678 words)
Posted in Living with MS on May 14, 2015

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How Drinking Yerba Mate Helps Reduce MS Symptoms

We’ve been reaping the health benefits of yerba mate for thousands of years. Native to South America, the plant has been a staple of the culture and the lifestyle of the indigenous people. Recent studies have shown that yerba mate, beyond being of immense cultural importance, is one of the most vital and beneficial plants south of the equator.

As a tea, yerba mate is one of the most popular beverages in the health community, and it’s definitely one of my favorites. Mate is full of anti-oxidants and vitamins, all of which work together to help combat Multiple Sclerosis’ toll on the human body. Drinking yerba mate can help you reduce MS symptoms, fight off nerve damage, and rid your body of toxins that can make your symptoms worse.

Reduce Nerve Damage

I’ve talked about the nutritional properties of yerba mate in my blog before, but all of these great nutrients combat specific symptoms caused by MS. Yerba mate is rich in B Vitamins, which are essential in building, repairing, and protecting the myelin sheaths around vulnerable nerve endings. Vitamin B deficiencies, especially B12, can make MS symptoms worse.

If you suffer from extreme fatigue or memory loss, the high levels of Vitamin B in yerba mate will help reduce these symptoms. The potassium found in yerba mate can also reduce symptoms and improve nerve function. Potassium is an important electrolyte, working to repair the electrical communication between nerves and improve the function of nerves damaged by MS. Drinking just a glass of yerba mate a day will give you a full serving of these – and many other – nutrients, helping to reduce your symptoms.

Reduce Toxins

One of the most important nutrients in Yerba Mate is Chlorogenic Acid. Chlorogenic Acid is found in many plants and herbs, including green tea, coffee, mate, and blueberries, and has been used to fight cancer, diabetes, and obesity issues in patients. This acid is so important to the reduction of MS symptoms because it acts as an anti-oxidant, fighting off free radicals in your body and boosting your metabolism.

Every time you drink a glass of mate, the mate immediately gets to work at removing the toxins in your bloodstream. It speeds up your metabolism, increasing your blood circulation, which can improve your cognitive functioning and reduce symptoms affecting attention and memory. And, with a healthy metabolism, you are less likely to feel fatigued or tired, especially after eating.

Reduce Fatigue and Cognitive Symptoms

On top of the rich, nutritional value of yerba mate, the caffeine that naturally occurs in the herb can help you combat chronic fatigue and persistent cognitive symptoms, such as memory loss and attention deficits. As a natural stimulant, yerba mate will make you feel more alert and aware with its healthy combination of caffeine and B vitamins. The caffeine found in coffee can cause an array of unwanted symptoms, like migraines, jittery feelings, or insomnia.

Yerba mate does not, making it a great substitute! A warm cup of yerba tea in the mornings will give you the jolt you need to make it through the day without the threat of symptom outbreaks. You’ll also find that you sleep better at night when you consume less coffee, which can mean less fatigue and exhaustion during the day. Learn more about yerba mate’s natural energy boost and how it helps me.


With its high concentration of B vitamons, chlorogenic acid, and potassium, yerba mate is a healthy and delicious way to enhance your physical and cognitive performance throughout the day. And when you drink yerba mate, you are giving your body a full jolt of healthy nutrients that will reduce your MS symptoms and fight off the inflammation causing them. You can drink your mate hot or cold, and you can drink it multiple times a day without risking the jitters you get from too many cups of coffee. There are also a ton of new flavors of yerba mate on the market, so try and few and let us know which one is your favorite. 

Comments (4)

julie wright posted on: May 15, 2015

Hi,i live in Western Australia,can u tell me where i can buy Yerba Mate.
Thank you

Kate posted on: May 16, 2015

I live in the UK. Does anyone know where to purchase Yerba Mate?

Rocio posted on: May 17, 2015

Hi! i come from Paraguay, the land of yerba mate! In the uk you can find it in or in using the keywords "yerba mate pajarito" or "Yerba Mate Campesino" or another brands (like taragui, etc), this ones are paraguayan ^^ in australia you can find it in, cheers!

Liv Kirkeby posted on: March 16, 2016

Hi I live in Thailand.Do you know we're I can buy Yerba Mate te. Thank you

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