You may not be able to avoid MS relapse entirely, but being aware of MS relapse triggers can help you make healthy choices. Learn what causes MS relapse, how to identify MS relapse triggers, and how long an MS relapse can last.
What Causes MS Relapse?
The truth is that scientists aren’t 100% sure what exactly causes MS relapse, also known as MS flare-ups, but those of us who live with MS know that a sudden relapse can stop us in our tracks. Some MS relapses occur seemingly out of nowhere, with little sign or warning that they are coming on. Still, there are a handful of common MS relapse triggers that have been identified.
MS Relapse Triggers
There are 6 major triggers for MS relapse. Most of the recognized MS relapse triggers are unhealthy habits such as not getting enough sleep or smoking. Eating unhealthy inflammation-causing foods, overdoing physical activity, and having too much stress can also trigger MS relapse. It’s important to work on living a healthy lifestyle so that your MS can be managed more easily. Another common MS relapse trigger is getting sick. If you have MS, be sure to take any signs of sickness seriously and treat colds and infections promptly to avoid a full-blown relapse.
MS Relapse Duration
In order to be considered a true MS relapse, symptoms must last longer than 24 hours. It is possible to experience a sudden worsening of symptoms that does not meet this time frame. One of the most common triggers for sudden symptoms is overheating; or, for a smaller number of people with MS, getting too cold. If you experience a sudden worsening of symptoms after being exposed to higher than normal or lower than normal temperatures, do what you can to stabilize your body temperature to reduce symptoms. You may want to avoid taking hot showers and baths, spending time in hot tubs or saunas, or working out without wearing cooling gear.
If you are experiencing an MS relapse, there are things you can do to overcome it. Check out our tips for managing an MS relapse.