A guide on how to eat properly and live a healthy life while controlling, reducing, and eliminating the symptoms of MS.

Multiple Sclerosis Support

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5 Sweet Treats that are Superfoods for MS

By Daryl H. Bryant (720 words)
Posted in Living with MS on May 21, 2015

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5 Sweet Treats that are Superfoods for MS

A few years ago I wrote about 4 great superfoods that helped reduce MS symptoms. Turmeric, leafy greens, and fish oils are all great ways to improve nerve performance and reduce symptoms, and you can read about how they can help you here. However, there are so many more delicious snack foods out there that are great for MS and can help minimize your physical pains and discomforts. With summer right around the corner, I did some more research and found some great treats that double as superfoods for your MS symptoms.


Fresh, plump, and ripening up for the summer time, blueberries are a great burst of anti-inflammatories. That’s because blueberries are rich in phytonutrients, the chemical compound in the plant that makes them blue. These phytonutrients work with your body to reduce the inflammation caused by MS, which will lead to a noted decrease in your symptom outbreaks.

Eating blueberries raw is your best bet at getting the most out of these nutrients, and I recommend throwing them in the freezer for a while before snacking. This turns them into mini frozen sorbet treats that taste sweet while still being great for you.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are rich in the beta carotenes that make them (and carrots) orange. Beta carotenes work wonders for your immune system, strengthening it against disease and giving it the power it needs to overcome MS. Beta carotene is also an antioxidant, so eating a serving of sweet potatoes at lunch or dinner will help clear out any harmful bits in your circulatory or digestive system to help reduce symptoms.

Sweet potatoes also come with a healthy kick of fiber, which is a great help if you suffer from constipation or other bowel symptoms. The fiber will help reduce your irregularities and get you back to feeling normal and comfortable again. If you’re looking for sweet potato recipe ideas, try mine: Baked Sweet Potatoes with Ginger and Honey.


Another sweet treat, almonds – especially almond milk –come packed with fiber and protein that’s good for your heart, bowels, and bones. When it comes to MS, almonds can lubricate your nerve endings with their healthy fat oils, making it easier for nerves to communicate. This will greatly reduce your mobility issues and numbness.

Try using almonds in recipes and experiment with almond milk and almond butter when it comes to baking summer treats for friends and family. My recipe for MS-friendly almond butter cookies are flourless and sugar free, meaning they’re great for gluten-free diets and those simply trying to lose weight.

Dark Chocolate

Without the dairy content of milk chocolate or cocoa, dark chocolate is choc-full of antioxidants.

The healthy fats found in dark chocolate that is at least 70% cocoa will help improve your body function by removing all the oxidants that could be slowing you down and exasperating your symptoms.

Recent studies have also shown that dark chocolate can improve brain function, which will help improve your memory and reduce any cognitive symptoms. But remember, chocolate that is not dark enough or is too sweet can make your symptoms worse, so make sure you are eating and baking with dark, semi-sweet chocolate that has 70% or more cocoa in it.


Finally, kale has many health benefits for people with MS. One serving has over 1000% of your daily value of Vitamin K, along with Vitamins A and C, which are all necessary for combatting MS symptoms.

Depending on which recipes you are cooking with, you can choose from Red Russian kale, Blue Curled kale, or your traditional leafy green kale. But Kale can also be one of the sweetest greens, especially when you blend it in smoothies with sweet fruits like blueberries or strawberries.


When it comes to managing your MS symptoms, your diet can be your first line of defense. These superfoods are both sweet and powerful, and can help you maintain a level of comfort that is sometimes unknown to those of us suffering from Multiple Sclerosis.

Try these superfoods out in new recipes, or check out our website for some delicious lunch and dinner recipes to get you started. Remember, before eating these superfoods every day, try them in moderation to see how your body reacts. Only you will know how dietary changes will affect your body and your symptoms, so try these out today!

Comments (3)

Jo Lawrence posted on: May 21, 2015

I eat all of these "super foods" everyday. I have secondary progressive MS & had it for 18 years. I have been wheelchair bound for 5 years now, BUT 18 months ago I started following the Dr Terry Wahls Protocol see I am now walking (up to 1km) with support and I'm fully independent in the house. My only MS symptom is weak leg muscles!! Every of the symptom has completely diapered!! I've had n drugs either.

terri williamson posted on: May 25, 2015

Our daughter has been diagnoised last May-2014 will progressive ms as well--she has lost her sight,can't walk and can only raise her left arm,she had botox in her arms for tremores but only one worked--we feel so discouraged,how long can this go on--nothing seems to get better and she is also on the infusion of the drug Tysabry every 28 days--she is 34 yrs old--

Jeanine Miller posted on: October 9, 2024

After seeing numerous neurologists, I was given the diagnosis of MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS. I was given medication, which helped, but my condition was rapidly deteriorating. Ultimately, I learned about the useful MS-4 protocol at vinehealthcentre. com. This treatment has helped greatly with reducing my symptoms, it was even more effective than the prescription drugs I was using. My tremors mysteriously disappeared after the first month of medication, and I was able to walk better. Within 4 months on this treatment most of my symptoms has vanished. The MS-4 protocol is a total game changer for me. I’m surprised more people with MS don’t know it. This MS-4 protocol is a breakthrough

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